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Violin Practice Partner

Violin Practice Partner is a simple way to make practising pieces for your ABRSM exam more musical, enjoyable and fun.

You can use the app to practise with the piano accompaniment or violin part in isolation, in addition to the duo ensemble recording. Using Violin Practice Partner also helps slow practice, while retaining the musicality of the recorded performance. It's as if you’re practising with your own personal desk partner! 

Violin Practice Partner is available for iOS and Android™ devices in both smartphone and tablet versions, from iTunes and Google Play. The app comes with three example pieces from Grade 1, 3 and 5 of Violin Exam Pieces 2020-2023 with in-app purchases available for individual pieces or selections for each Grade. 

Download Violin Practice Partner

Violin Practice Partner

The app will help you to: 

  • Become familiar with the accompaniment and understand how the solo line fits with the piano part for more secure performances 
  • Slow down or speed up the music to a tempo that suits you, for slow careful practice. 
  • Listen closely to the violin in isolation to hear every detail of the expert performance. 
  • Repeat tricky passages by setting loops around them. 
Violin Practice Partner FAQs
I purchased MP3 recordings from iTunes/the ABRSM download store. Why can’t I use these pieces in the app?

Please note that our Practice Partner apps use custom file formats that provide separate playback of violin and piano parts. This content is more feature-rich and uses very different technology to standard audio files. It is therefore only possible to buy these specialised violin or piano recordings from within the app via in-app purchase for the available syllabuses. If you purchased ABRSM pieces as MP3 recordings from a provider such as the ABRSM download store, iTunes, ripped from a CD, etc; you will not be able to use these audio files within the app. You can only use pieces purchased directly within the app as an in-app purchase. 

Contact us

If you require technical support, or if you have any suggestions for improvements or developments, please contact our support team by completing the following form. 

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